Chef Sadia Rehman And Fatima
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White sauce elbow Macroni

Written By Daily NEWS on Friday, September 20, 2019 | 2:12 AM

White sauce elbow Macroni

Chef: Sadia Rehman And Fatima Gulzar
white sauce recipe


White sauce elbow Macroni:
1. Macroni full boiled   1 packet
2. Plain flour 6 tbsp
3. Black pepper 1tbsp
4. Salt  according to taste
5. Oil   3tbsp
6. Milk 2 cup

Cooking Directions

1. First boil Macroni and take it one side.
2. Take a pan and pour plain flour and oil in it and cook it but colour not changes.
3. When flour is done pour milk in it and finish all lupms in the mixture
4. When mixture Is almost ready, Then add black pepper and salt.
5. In the end add Macroni and mix it well.
Macroni is ready to serve.
Serve it hot

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